Sawa oguruma, サワオグルマ
Uguisu kagura, ウグイスカグラ
Hana ikada, ハナイカダ
Bogbean, (Mitsugashiwa) ミツガシワ A bit late
Sweet flag, (Shoobu) ショウブカ. The purple flowers bloom later
Akebia or Chocolate vine, (Mitsuba akebi) ミツバアケビ
Nyoisumire, ニョイスミレ A tiny viola
Golden orchid, (Kinlan) キンラン This was all we got to see of the orchid. It was still too early
Noble orchid, (Shunlan) シュンラン
East Asian thrixspermum, (Kayalan) カヤラン
The edible Asian royal fern, (Zenmai) ゼンマイ
Look how the leaves unfold from this boll shaped knot.