Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nanayama Wetlands in August

Records of August 18 and 22. I:m trying hard to find names for all these treasures. Please let me know if I got it wrong!


White Egret Flower, (Sagiso) サギソウorchid

Japanese Bellflower, (Kikyo) キキョウ

Pygmy Water-lily, (Hitsujigusa) ヒツジグサ

Small-leaved Plantain Lily, (Kobagiboshi) コバギボウシ

St John’s Wort,  (Otogirisou) オトギリソウ

White variety of Fringed Pink or Dianthus, (Kawaranadeshiko) カワラナデシコ

Sawahiyodori, サワヒヨドリ

Mizutombo, ミズトンボ orchid

Yellow Bladderwort, (Inutanukimo) イヌタヌキモ carnivorous

Left  Blue Bladderwort, (Hozakino Mimikakisuga) ホザキノミミカキグサ
Right  Asian Bladderwort, (Murasaki Mimikakigusa) ムラサキミミカキグサ

Nodake, ノダケ

Left Forest Ghost Flower, (Nanbangiseru) ナンバンギセル
Right Lobelia Sessilifolia, (Sawagikyo) サワギキョウ

Dwarf Toad Lily, (Yamahototogisu) ヤマホトトギス

Left Great Burnet, (Waremoko) ワレモコウ
Right Bogbean, (Mitsugashiwa) ミツガシワnormally flowering in spring

Butterflies, Dragonflies, Damselflies

Butterfly Dragonfly, (Chotombo) チョウトンボ

Scarlet Dwarf, (Hatcho Tombo) male ハッチョウトンボ


Kiitotombo, キイトトンボ  (Japanese Yellow Damselfly)

Beniitotombo, ベニイトトンボ  (Japanese Red Damselfly)

White-tailed Skimmer, (Shiokara Tombo) シオカラトンボ

Monosashi Tombo, モノサシトンボ

Other insects

Blue Bee, ブルービー on  Eastern Valerian, (Ominaeshi) オミナエシ

And on other medicinal kind of Valerian, (Otokoshi) オトコエシ

Mr. or Ms Blue Bee, ブルービーMust be so relaxed

Japanese Honey Bee, (Nihonmitsubachi) ニホンミツバチ

Se aka Horned Stinkbug, (Seakatsuno Kamemushi) セアカツノカメムシ

Himeshaku, ヒメシャク, Kind of Geometer Moth

Leaf Beetle, (Hamushi) ハムシ

Madara Mizumeiga, マダラミズメイガ

Onagasasakiri, オナガササキリfem (Japanese Long-tailed Bush Cricket)

Frogs and reptiles

Japanese Tree Frog, (Amagaeru) アマガエル

Japanese Pit Viper, (Mamushi) マムシ


Night life

 It's been too hot to go out during the day. Had to resort to some night life. There really ae a lot of moths out there, big and small. ...