Tuesday, July 7, 2020

small stuff of July 2020


フウラン, Vanda falcata, the wind orchid

Common sunflower (ヒマワリ)

with Apis cerana japonica (ニホンミツバチ)

Holly blue (ルリシジミ) Celastrina argiolus

Pea blue (ウラナミシジミ) Lampides boeticus

Arhopala japonica (ムラサキシジミ)

Short-tailed blue (ツバメシジミ)

koshiakitonbo コシアキトンボ Pseudothemis zonata

female  Ischnura senegalensis (アオモンイトトンボ) 

Harabiro tombo  ハラビロトンボ  Lyriothemis pachygastra
Aobitai tombo, アオビタイトンボ Brachidiplax chalybea flavovittata

Grass moth, maybe  ワモンノメイガ,  Nomophila noctuella

Pairing アオメアブ. Cophinopoda chinensis

Promachus yesonicus (シオヤアブ) with prey  kind of horsefly

ホシベニカミキリ, Eupromus ruber

カブトエビ, Shield shrimp, Triopsidae

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Nanayama Swamp June 28th


Tsuchi akebi, ツチアケビ,  Cyrtosia septentrionalis
Fortunately still in ful bloom!!!

Numa toranoo, ヌマトラノオ  Lysimachia fortunei,   Loosestrife spec

QQ Teriha akashouma, テリハアカショウマAstilbe thunbergii ?

Kakiran, カキラン, Epipactis thunbergii

Junsai ジュンサイ,  Brasenia schreberi,  Watershield

Himemikuri, ヒメミクリ,  Sparganium stenophyllum

Kumokiriso, クモキリソウ,  Liparis kumokiri

Flower of  Mosengoke,  モウセンゴケの花,   Drosera rotundifolia,   Round-leaved sundew

Red variety

Oobaumano suzukusa, オオバウマノスズクサ, (Aristlochia kaempferi)

DAMSELFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES. Unexpectedly my dream of having somebody to ask questions to came true. Thank you C san!

Monosashitombo  モノサシトンボ  Copera annulata  White-legged damselfly
Many pairs were lined up at a fast flowing part of the stream.

The male showing its bright white legs

Ki itotomboキイトトンボ  Ceriagrion melanurum

Beni itotombo  ベニイトトンボ Ceriagrion nipponicum

Kuroitotombo  クロイトトンボ  ‎Paracercion calamorum   Dusky Lilysquatter

Yotsuboshi tombo ヨツボシトンボ   Libellula quadrimaculata  Four-spotted chaser

Haccho tombo  ハッチョウトンボ  Nannophya pygmaea  Scarlet dwarf - male


Shojotombo  ショウジョウトンボ  Crocothemis servilia mariannae  Scarlet skimmer

Harabiro tombo  ハラビロトンボ  Lyriothemis pachygastra

This one pitch black!

Benitombo  ベニトンボ Trithemis aurora  Crimson marsh glider

OTHER INSECTS, including just 1 butterfly :-)

ツマグロヒョウモン  Indian fritillary male

オバボタル  Lucidina biplagiata - A kind of fire fly beetle

Again some of those long-haired caterpillars, probably of a moth, maybe オビガ, Apha aequalis, a Giant Lappet Moth!

キマワリ  Plesiophthalmus nigrocyaneus   


ニホンアカガエル Japanese Brown frog  Rana japonica

Japanese tree frog   ニホンアマガエル

ニホンカナヘビ,  Japanese grass lizard

Last some scenery from the misty mountains

Night life

 It's been too hot to go out during the day. Had to resort to some night life. There really ae a lot of moths out there, big and small. ...