Our long overdue visit to the swamp was planned on a cloudy day that turned out to be rainy most of the time. I still managed some shots, starting with this Japanese Tree Frog, ニホンアマガエル in a village garden nearby. I was so worried about the camera I just pointed and shot. But it didn't turn out too bad.
In that same village: Spotted bellflower, ホタルブクロ and Common Straight Swift, イチモンジセセリ on Sweet William Catchfly, ムシトリナデシコ
Next the rare, delicate orchid types
Left: Kobantomboso, コバノトンボソウ, (Platanthera tipuloides subsp. nipponica)
Right: Tsuchi akebi, ツチアケビ, (Cyrtosia septentrionalis)
Kumokiriso, クモキリソウ, (Liparis kumokiri)
Tsuruaridooshi, ツルアリドオシ, (Mitchella undulata)
Kakiran, カキラン (Epipactis thunbergii)
Ichiyakuso, イチヤクソウ, (Pyrola japonica)
Pygmy water-lily, ヒツジグサ
Himemikuri, ヒメミクリ (Sparganium stenophyllum)
Asian pogoniaトキソウ
with a little guest
Oobaumano suzukusa, オオバウマノスズクサ, (Aristlochia kaempferi)
Scarlet Dwarf ♂, ハッチョウトンボ
Ki ito tombo (Yellow Damselfly) キイトトンボ
Monosashi tonbo ♂ (White-legged Damselfly spec) モノサシトンボ
Common Grass Yellow, キタキチョウ
??? Cystidia spec. moth ???
another Q-mark moth
Hiroobi tomboedashakuヒロオビトンボエダシャク (Cystidia truncangulata)
??? Kuronamishaku クロナミシャク ???
Hairy catrpillar of some sort, that's all I can say
Probably a moth, maybe even オビガ, Apha aequalis, a Giant Lappet Moth...
I take this beautiful beast to be a Montane Brown Frog (ヤマアカガエル)
and this young guy maybe a Japanese Brown Frog (ニホンアカガエル)
Always there: Japanese tree frog (ニホンアマガエル)
At another location near a big river: Mayfly, モンカゲロウ attracted by our camp light
and along the water: Darner dragonfly spec, ヤンマ科 another one I cannot completely identify - yet
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