Friday, July 3, 2020

Nanayama swamp June 15th

This report is going to be published after July because of the rare flowers. Sadly they get taken every year and reveiling their location might result in them disappearing in the wild.

Our long overdue visit to the swamp was planned on a cloudy day that turned out to be rainy most of the time. I still managed some shots, starting with this Japanese Tree Frog, ニホンアマガエル in a village garden nearby. I was so worried about the camera I just pointed and shot. But it didn't turn out too bad.

In that same village: Spotted bellflower, ホタルブクロ and Common Straight Swift, イチモンジセセリ on Sweet William Catchfly,  ムシトリナデシコ

Next the rare, delicate orchid types
Left: Kobantomboso, コバノトンボソウ, (Platanthera tipuloides subsp. nipponica)
Right: Tsuchi akebi, ツチアケビ,  (Cyrtosia septentrionalis)

Kumokiriso, クモキリソウ, (Liparis kumokiri)

Tsuruaridooshi, ツルアリドオシ, (Mitchella undulata)

Kakiran, カキラン (Epipactis thunbergii)

Ichiyakuso, イチヤクソウ, (Pyrola japonica)

Pygmy water-lily, ヒツジグサ

Himemikuri, ヒメミクリ (Sparganium stenophyllum)

Asian pogoniaトキソウ

with a little guest


Oobaumano suzukusa, オオバウマノスズクサ, (Aristlochia kaempferi)

Scarlet Dwarf ♂, ハッチョウトンボ

Ki ito tombo (Yellow Damselfly) キイトトンボ

Monosashi tonbo ♂ (White-legged Damselfly spec) モノサシトンボ


Common Grass Yellow, キタキチョウ

??? Cystidia spec. moth ???

another Q-mark moth

Hiroobi tomboedashakuヒロオビトンボエダシャク (Cystidia truncangulata)

??? Kuronamishaku クロナミシャク ???

Hairy catrpillar of some sort, that's all I can say

Probably a moth, maybe even オビガ, Apha aequalis, a Giant Lappet Moth...

I take this beautiful beast to be a Montane Brown Frog (ヤマアカガエル)

and this young guy maybe a Japanese Brown Frog (ニホンアカガエル)

Always there: Japanese tree frog (ニホンアマガエル)

At another location near a big river: Mayfly, モンカゲロウ attracted by our camp light

and along the water: Darner dragonfly spec, ヤンマ科 another one I cannot completely identify  - yet

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Night life

 It's been too hot to go out during the day. Had to resort to some night life. There really ae a lot of moths out there, big and small. ...