Thursday, May 14, 2020

May 2020


White form of Thistle, (Azami) アザミ at Kanatake

シロバナマンテマ, Windmill Pink


コウホネ, East Asian yellow water-lily,  Kanatake

オランダガラシ, Watercress


ハコベ,  Chickweed

ハナウド、Hogweed? Iharayama

ニョイスミレイViola verecunda ツボスミレ

オドリコソウ, White dead-nettle

トキワツユクサ, Small-leaf spiderwort  Iharayama

Japanese fairy bells,  (Houchakusou) ホウチャクソウ 

シャガ、Butterfly flower

Ground-ivy (Kakidooshi) カキドオシ


Japanese Snowbell, エゴノキ


ヤマボウシ, Kousa Dogwood

ユキノシタ, Creeping Saxifrage

ツクシタツナミソウ, Skullcap at Hachimandake

Silver Dragon, ギンリョウソウ (Monotropastrum humile) at Kanatake

ウツギ, Bridal wreath


ヤマトシジミ, Pale grass blue  Kanatake

ヒメアカタテハ, Painted Lady on Thistle, (Azami) アザミ

コジャノメ,  Francisca Brown  at Magaribuchi

ヒメウラナミジャノメ, Common Five-ring

ヒメジャノメ, Chinese Bushbrown

ダイミョウセセリ Daimio Skipper

クロアゲハ, Spangle

カラスアゲハ, Chinese peacock at Saga Hachimandake

ダイミョウセセリ Daimio skipper

コミスジ Pallas’ sailer, Common glider

イチモンジチョウ White admiral

Chestnut tiger, アサギマダラ

  カワトンボ  Broad-winged damselfly male

カゲロウ, Mayfly


アオアツバ, Aoatsuba, Iharayama

アオアツバ, Aoatsuba at Hachimandake

ウチムラサキヒメエダシャク uchi murasaki hime edashaku  Iharayama

クロモンキノメイガ  kind of Crambid Snout moth  Iharayama

Bean pod borer, マメノメイガ  At the vending machine at Hachiman dake

クロテンシロヒメシャク, Scopula apicipunctata

ウスキクロテンヒメシャク, Scopula ignobilis

Forester moth, ブドウスカシクロバ


プライアシリアゲshiriagemushi spec scorpion fly  Iharayama

What is that red thing under its belly?

ホソオビヒゲナガ Hoso-obi-hige-naga

ツチハンミョウ, kind of Blister beetle

Yokozuna Assasin bug, ヨコヅナサシガメ, Agriosphodrus dohrni

Birodo assasin bug, ビロウドサシガメ

ヒメオビオオキノコムシ, Episcapha fortunei ?

Next a whole bunch of question marks:

Snail eggs I suppose

Harmful fungus that settles in your lungs

ニヒンアマガエル, Japanese tree frog  Iharayama

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Night life

 It's been too hot to go out during the day. Had to resort to some night life. There really ae a lot of moths out there, big and small. ...