Sunday, August 9, 2020

Caterpillars and some more insects of July

This unusual caterpillar could have fooled me, thinking: "What is a dried-up leaf doing on this bit of grass with no trees around?"
ウコンカギバの幼虫  Turmeric Kagiba larva     at Kanatake

Hawkmoths have such good-looking larvae!
セスジスズメの幼虫   Impatiens Hawkmoth caterpillar

Caterpillar of Chinese Windmill, チャコウアゲハ 幼虫 Kanatake

There were so many of these caterpillars hanging on to varies plands among the grass at the river bank. Some butterflies were darting around, male and female. Producing more eggs?

The next day the field had been mowed. 😢 I hope the butterflies will try again!

Some yellow caterpillar... 黄色のイモムシ 
ウスイロクチブサガの幼 ?(Ypsolopha parenthesellus) ?

??? What's happening here? Produced a cocoon but forgot to get inside???

Bekko Hagoromo , ベッコウハゴロモAsian Planthoppers

This fly must be happy, he's comletely covered in pollen!

These 2 as well, having found each other
交尾中のアオメアブ、mating Robber flies  アオメアブ Cophinopoda chinensis

Another Abu: コウヤツリアブ, Anthrax aygulus

Leaving the best for last.
As I was walking past this Celtis sinensis tree (エノキ) I wondered for the umptieth time if there would be any Tamamushi jewel beetles in there. Quickly abandoning the search as usual because they would only be high up on the top leaves, I was told. Then I just trained my bino's up there. (why?) 

There it is!
 Tamamushi Jewel beetle (タマムシ)

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Night life

 It's been too hot to go out during the day. Had to resort to some night life. There really ae a lot of moths out there, big and small. ...