Sunday, August 9, 2020

July bufs

Many common bufs, but Goishi Shijimi is in there!

Holly blue (ルリシジミ) Celastrina argiolus

Pea blue (ウラナミシジミ) Lampides boeticus

Forest Pierrot (ゴイシシジミ) Taraka hamada   Kanatake

Short-tailed blue (ツバメシジミ)

Arhopala japonica (ムラサキシジミ)

The Shade butterfly, ヒカゲチョウ (Lethe sicelis)  endemic to Japan

Chinese bushbrown Mycalesis gotama (ヒメジャノメ)

Common grass yellow (キチョウ) clinging to something that looks kind of like its coccoon. Had it just come out?

Swallowtail butterfly (アゲハチョウ科)

Swallowtail butterfly (アゲハチョウ科) pair

ヤマキマダラヒカゲ?  サトキマダラヒカゲ?  Japanese Labyrinth or Goschkevitschi's Labyrinth?

ジャコウアゲハ Byasa alcinous Chinese windmill male

ジャコウアゲハ Byasa alcinous Chinese windmill female

Indian fritillary (ツマグロヒョウモン) female Kanatake

Dark evening brown (クロコノマチョウ)

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Night life

 It's been too hot to go out during the day. Had to resort to some night life. There really ae a lot of moths out there, big and small. ...